Andrew Wyeth Christina's World Painting

Title: Christina's World
Artist: Andrew Wyeth
Painted: 1948
Medium: Painting / Print / Watercolor

About Andrew Wyeth Christina's World Painting

The Olson family, brother and sister, live on a farm near the Wyeths in Maine. The brother, once a fisherman, has turned truck gardener; his sister, though partly crippled by infantile paralysis, keeps house for him. Their house, their life have become symbols of great importance to Wyeth and have furnished him many subjects. None, perhaps, has made a deeper impression than this picture. Alvaro, the brother, does not like to pose. There is only one early picture of him, Oil Lamp, in Houston. Christina is, to Wyeth, a remarkable woman. She has a keen mind and is interested in nature, although so crippled that she moves about by crawling or moving in a chair. This picture grew out of a very slight incident-simply the sight of her out picking berries near the family burying ground, looking back across the field toward her house where Wyeth was working in an upper room. Christina moves with such difficulty that this, as the title says, is her world. Painted at the Olson farm.

Tempera 32 x 47 inches